This is a listing businesses and/or individuals that are delinquent on invoices s. To be listed below a company had to provide no good-faith attempt at payment or a payment schedule for contracted services rendered.
Mother Nature's Cleaning / Lil Disasters Cleaning
Nidia Ibarra, Nidia Quinones
Mount Dora, Florida
$1,107 (non-discounted) past-due
Now out of business.
Mount Dora Plaza Live
Brian Young
Amount: $468 past-due amount without good faith payment effort.
Now out of business.
Wildwood Antique Center
Amount: $2,412.00 past amount without good faith payment effort with subsequent bankruptcy.
Delinquent since: Feb.-July 2019 with subsequent bankruptcy.
Wildwood Antique Malls contacts: James Harp, Manny Pesco, Charlene Pesco, (Charlene Nelson)
Nidia Ibarra, Nidia Quinones
Mount Dora, Florida
$1,107 (non-discounted) past-due
Now out of business.
Mount Dora Plaza Live
Brian Young
Amount: $468 past-due amount without good faith payment effort.
Now out of business.
Wildwood Antique Center
Amount: $2,412.00 past amount without good faith payment effort with subsequent bankruptcy.
Delinquent since: Feb.-July 2019 with subsequent bankruptcy.
Wildwood Antique Malls contacts: James Harp, Manny Pesco, Charlene Pesco, (Charlene Nelson)