John B. Gill
7/8/2020 08:05:38 am
What are the fines for violating this order?
John Burr
7/8/2020 09:20:46 am
Let's say it's jail time, so you're going to get Covid-19 for it. Willing to take the risk? Seriously, lots of Rona in Jail. Just wear the mask.
jackie lee
7/8/2020 11:59:50 am
let's say there is no enforcement included, so bite me
7/8/2020 04:19:27 pm
They arent enforcing it like other places. There arent any fines or anything from what I read in some news articles.
7/8/2020 09:45:33 am
Exactly! Is this yet another way to profit? Well I won’t go into any establishments here. When there’s no tax money going into the system and people stop spending let’s see how this city thrives.
Jay Wood
7/8/2020 02:48:31 pm
Read the actual regulation. It says they are seeking voluntary compliance. There are no repercussions to non compliance other than potentially spreading this disease.
Jim Hutcheson
7/8/2020 08:07:41 am
My family and I will find other local cities to do our shopping and eating until this silly requirement is over.
7/8/2020 09:13:46 am
I’m with ya!
7/8/2020 11:02:02 am
Please refrain from making it leesburg. We donr need more folks like you
Kathryn Henderson
7/8/2020 11:14:46 am
Count me out, too!
7/8/2020 02:59:15 pm
I totally agree
Paul Marchand
7/8/2020 08:13:52 am
Another govt entity with no backbone. I’ll just not spend anymore money in your city till this is over.
7/8/2020 11:31:58 am
Councilman Cal Rolfson shared that "A COUPLE" - that is all it takes for a whole city to cave.... pitiful
7/8/2020 08:20:41 am
Thank you. I wear a mask and will continue to wear one in public. 😷
7/8/2020 08:21:17 am
We will stay out of Mt. Dora
Free Breather
7/8/2020 10:17:31 am
Your health privacy is protected by HIPPA laws. It’s actually none of anyone’s business what’s going on with your health.
Miriam Lindley
7/8/2020 08:39:58 am
Glad they are doing this. Those that don’t want to wear a mask to protect others can stay away. We don’t care if you ever return.
7/8/2020 09:06:26 am
I live in downtown Mt Dora. So many visitors have expressed relief that we were not following the ridiculous fear tactics of other towns. Just when businesses are getting back on their feet, you slam them yet again. Instead of listening to one side, why don’t you listen for the sound of footsteps as all your revenue walks away to more reasonable areas? Oh... I guess you will hear that in a few months when the coffers are empty.
7/8/2020 11:30:00 am
Yes, I guess the Mt Dora residents have plenty of money so they won't care when their city taxes rise as the revenue decreases.
Joan Lamoureux
7/8/2020 12:22:03 pm
So, you’d rather risk being sick or even death to go shopping or eat out. Wow! This pandemic is not going away soon and people like you are the cause. We’re not sure of anything right now, why put your self and others at risk? Why? If you’re not going to wear a mask please stay away, it’s worth to me and Mt. Dora. It is what it is, don’t you think. A small inconvenience at most til we’re better.
7/8/2020 09:12:00 am
Seems to me that people running downtown (which they do) don’t have to wear a mask. This is concerning due to high and multiple amounts of wet molecules being exhaled amongst the rest of us. I would state this is more contagious than normal talking. With all that in mind, your Gym advertisement on the cover of this Buzz is quite suspicious. One more idea, maybe one side of the street could wear no masks and we could see which side has more activity...if your not sure where I stand, walk your streets for a day, ask your public (face to face) where they have a wonderful city that can take a downturn from the “inside”
7/8/2020 09:13:12 am
Guess I’ll be traveling to other cities to do my shopping as I’m not wearing a mask! Y’all need to get a back bone and stand up for freedom!
Chris Sanford
7/8/2020 09:19:24 am
Just keep allowing the fear to tear small business's apart
John Burr
7/8/2020 09:25:10 am
This is outstanding! With transmission rates through the roof, with hospitals filling up rapidly, with another shutdown looking inevitable, I am thrilled to see politicians more interested in their duty to their constituents than they are in their own political gain. Great Job Mount Dora!
Rob Gates
7/8/2020 09:31:59 am
Good Job Mount Dora, Time for Tavares and Eustis to step up.
Kathy Graham
7/8/2020 09:33:53 am
Thank you for protecting g me in in your city!
william Porter
7/8/2020 09:35:27 am
It's about Time .
Bert McDonald
7/8/2020 09:43:10 am
Your city boundaries are so convoluted that we will never know who is or is not included, and please realize that bowing to the wishes of a FEW and affecting the MANY is not a very good response. HIPPA will prevail.
Kelly Chanley
7/8/2020 09:52:47 am
Again another City falls - even after the Mayor stated she does not believe in the face mask mandates. Although mandated it is not law and cannot be enforced. Will be doing business elsewhere even though I live here.
Gerri Rosenthal
7/8/2020 09:54:51 am
I will wear a mask for the safety of others. It's a matter of respect for others. If it saves one life!!! It was worth it. 7/8/2020 09:55:44 am
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It’s sad to have to require such a simple and considerate act but some people evidently just don’t understand the severity of this virus. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for protecting my City and the people I care about. I applaud your Decision and I don’t think the few people that disagree with your actions will be missed in our great city!
7/8/2020 09:59:17 am
I am so glad to see this new rule. I travel between Orange county, Lake county & Seminole county about 3 times a week and I am sure I am not the only one. I think the whole Lake county should do be doing this. Just another reason I like Mount Dora! Good job!
7/8/2020 10:30:33 am
Thank you to the city of Mount Dora for doing this to protect us. Working in a shop downtown, I have been shocked at the amount of people not wearings masks. Thank you for taking everyone into consideration.
Brenda Leland
7/8/2020 10:32:09 am
Serious question: What is the protocol with masks and dining inside an establishment that has tables within the guidelines? Are we expected to wear them while we are seated? Just wondering.
7/8/2020 10:32:41 am
Thank you to our local government for keeping the health and safety of our citizens in mind. We appreciate so much this policy and are happy to comply.
Fran Wishnick
7/8/2020 10:34:33 am
Great film for the mask requirement at this time.
Sam Shaw
7/8/2020 11:30:12 am
Once again, a city government scared . Putting out an order that is only half. So they look good. Masks only required inside some business, but not outside and several other exemptions from having to wear. Who going to enforce? The police department have more important things to do than be the mask squad. This is going to kill your local business and town. Because as so many on here are saying they will just go to other areas to shop or dine.
William Smith
7/8/2020 12:10:31 pm
There will be no punishments for those concerned.
S. Medina
7/8/2020 12:36:02 pm
I’m so glad that Mount Dora is doing this, It’s about time. it’s better to be safe than sorry. Those that are against it are just a few and it’s ashamed that you would be against protecting yourself and those around you. You will not be missed in Mt Dora. Hopefully Eustis and Tavares will do the same soon. Thank you Mayor of Mount Dora!
7/8/2020 12:48:48 pm
I am moving all my shopping to Mt. Dora. Thank you Mt. Dora merchants.
7/8/2020 01:19:40 pm
It’s about time . Masks should of been mandatory when state was reopened. We would not be in this situation now . I’m visiting out of state and they require everyone to wear a mask . It’s not that bad people. Your saving your health and someone else’s life . Congrats Mt Dora
7/8/2020 03:27:11 pm
Oh goodie! More masks and gloves on the side of the roads, parking lots and lakes. Comments are closed.
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